NOTE: To receive credit (1 CE), you’ll need to watch the training and take the test below. (The Continuing Education Credits offered here are only available from ABCH to foster families and house parents affiliated with ABCH.)


Mental Health, The Gospel, and Foster Care

Training by Michael BOZEMAN | THERAPIST | MA, MACE, LPC

When we position ourselves to walk in the calling that Christ has for us, we can be assured that the enemy will use everything in his power to attack us. The lies that he tells us at times can seem so true. What a blessing it is to have the Gospel that will point us back to absolute truth, especially when fostering.

In this session, we will navigate through some of the common lies the enemy tells us that may lead us to a place of anxiety, stress, depression, anger, etc.. We will also war against those lies from a place of truth. (1 CE)

Training session leader, Michael Bozeman


Take the test below to receive credit.