We are blessed with a variety of men and women from across Alabama who serve on our Board of Trustees for the Children’s Homes, Pathways Professional Counseling, and ABCH Foundation. These boards provide our ministry with "big picture" guidance, accountability, and oversight.


  • Mr. James Bearden

  • Mr. Barry Bledsoe

  • Mrs. Amy Corbin

  • Mrs. Helen Fisk

  • Mr. Ray Hammock

  • Dr. Eric Hankins

  • Mrs. Derry Johnson

  • Dr. Blake Kersey

  • Mrs. Kelly McMurry

  • Pastor Taylor Rutland

  • Mr. Wes Talley

  • Mrs. Lori Whitcomb

  • Mr. Terry Wilhite

  • Mr. Alan Wilks


  • Dr. Rick Lance, Director/Treasurer, Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions

  • Rev. Buddy Champion, President Alabama Baptist State Convention


  • Dr. E. Grace Pilot (Mobile)


  • Mr. Chris Blackerby

  • Dr. Scott Guffin

  • Mrs. Lori Ho-Tung

  • Mr. David Lyon

  • Dr. Robert Record

  • Mr. Stephen Wellborn


  • Mrs. Twinkle Cavanaugh

  • Dr. Chris Crain

  • Mrs. Kim DeShazo

  • Dr. Matt Haines

  • Mr. Ken Lass

  • Mr. Alan Taylor




president & Chief EXECUTIVE officer

Rod Marshall

Dr. Rod Marshall began his service with Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries (ABCH) in 1995 as a counselor. He oversaw the development and growth of Pathways Professional Counseling, helping it become the great ministry it is today. He began serving as President/CEO of ABCH on February 1, 2012.


Chief Administrative Officer

Chip Colee

Dr. Chip Colee serves as Chief Administrative Officer, overseeing the administrative directors of the ministry, and has served ABCH since September 2016.


Chief Operations Officer

Michael Smith

Dr. Michael Smith has served with us since 2006. In this role, he provides oversight and leadership to our social work programs in each of our eight state offices.



Grace Wood

Grace joined our leadership team in September 2017 as the Interim Director of Finance and Accounting and was named CFO in January 2024.


Chief Counseling Officer and President | Pathways Professional Counseling

Ross Hickman

Ross has been with Pathways since 2007, serving as Pathways Vice-President from 2012 to 2016 and as President since 2017.

Clinical Director | pathways professional counseling

Kelly Arant

Kelly Arant enjoys working with persons of all ages, dealing with a variety of issues. She practices from a trauma-informed perspective, utilizing interventions from several counseling theories. This allows her to tailor the counseling to the unique needs of her clients.

director of church engagement

Michael Bozeman

Michael has worked with ABCH/Pathways since 2016. He served as a counselor for Pathways Professional Counseling before moving to his current position of Director of Church Engagement in 2024.


director of Information Technology

Patrick Fitzgerald

Patrick joined our team in September 2017 as the Director of Information Technology and Facilities.

Director of Engagement

David George

David recently retired from many years serving as President to the Woman’s Missionary Union Foundation. He joined our team as interim Director of Engagement in April of 2024, and became Director of Engagement in January of 2025.

director of human resources

Holly Goff

Holly joined our team in May 2023 as the Director of Human Resources.

A photograph of a smiling blonde women.

Director of Events and Volunteers

Caroline Harned

Caroline Harned has worked with Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes since 2015. She served as the Event Coordinator before moving to her current position of Director of Events and Volunteers in 2021.


Area Director | Southeast Alabama 

Kim McGainey

Kim has served with us since 2003. In 2005, she began serving as the Southeast Area Director. Kim received her Master of Social Work from the University of Alabama.

Area Director | North Alabama

Alex Pool

Alex Pool has served with Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes (ABCH) since 2014. She served as a social worker and Assistant Director before moving to her current role as North Alabama Area Director in 2023.

Director of Marketing

Kate Tedeton

Kate Tedeton has worked with the Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes since 2018. She served as Marketing Coordinator before moving to her current position, Director of Marketing in 2023.


Area Director | Central Alabama

Elise Vincent

Elise has worked with Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes in the Birmingham area since 2012. She first served as a child case worker before moving into her position as Area Director for Central Alabama in 2017.

Area Director | SOUTHWEST Alabama

Haley Walker

Haley Walker has worked with Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes since 2012. She served as a social worker and Assistant Director before moving to her current position of Southwest Area Director in 2021.