Two brothers faced an unimaginable loss: their mother had passed away, and their father, Mark*, was so overwhelmed by grief and financial hardship that he couldn’t provide the stability his sons needed. Though it broke Mark’s heart, Ethan* and Jacob* were placed in foster care with the Martin* family.
The call finally came that a baby boy, just two days old and coming straight from the hospital, needed a safe, loving home. The Burches immediately said yes to caring for him! The moment they laid eyes on Lawson, they fell in love instantly.
“Our biological children have grown up with many different foster children in our home, and they have learned how to love on kids . . they have become better friends and siblings through their experiences.” - Lindsey, ABCH Foster Parent.
It was at camp that I knew God intended for me and my family to be involved with foster care, I just didn't know then the extent of what He had planned.
Hunter and Jordan Cory signed up to become foster parents to help kids who needed a safe, loving home. Little did they know that God would use the kids who came into their home to do abundantly more for the Corys than they ever expected.
“There are so many babies and children out there that need a home and that security. You know God will take care of that child, and it gives you peace so that you can take care of the next child that comes into your home.”
Little Sofia felt heavy with the burden she carried for a while. She didn’t know of other kids in foster care, and it made her feel lonely. “I have a burden,” she said. “I don’t live with my real mom anymore.”
Nick and Kayla Butler felt a calling from the Lord to be foster parents. Little did they know what the Lord had in store.
“I have always had a passion for serving kids who are vulnerable, fatherless, and who feel unloved. Romans 9:25!”