A Home Forever Changed by Fostering


Seven years ago, Lindsey and Tyler Rogers had no idea how the Lord would use their fostering journey to transform their entire family. Through fostering, Lindsey’s eyes were opened to the realities of life for many kids. This ignited a desire in her to advocate even more for kids in foster care.

“[Being a foster parent] paved the way for my career in the foster care system,” Lindsey shared. She began working for a company that is contracted by DHR to monitor visits for children in foster care with their biological parents.

It was in this new role that she first met young Everleigh. They formed a special bond over the 14 months they spent together during long weekly car rides. Everleigh's journey was filled with uncertainty—reunification with her biological family was no longer possible, and her planned adoption with a new family fell through.

Lindsey's heart became heavy with a calling from the Lord. “I began praying and asking God to use me in her life if it was His will,” Linsey shared. She went home and shared her feelings with Tyler. His immediate response was, "Then bring her home."

Everleigh, initially quiet, shy, and cautious, found a loving home with Lindsey, Tyler, and their two biological children, aged 12 and 14. The family embraced her with open arms, and over time, Everleigh blossomed. She is now in Pre-K, making friends everywhere she goes. Her adoption was finalized in December 2023.

The Rogers’ journey with Everleigh is just one chapter in their story. A year before Everleigh joined their family, they took in five-month-old Lizzie* going through methamphetamine withdrawals. The early days were challenging, filled with sleepless nights, crying, and the harrowing reality of withdrawal symptoms.

Yet the Lord carried Lindsey and Tyler on those difficult days, and they were committed to being with Lizzie every step of the way. As the months passed, they also noticed significant developmental delays and sought the help of speech and occupational therapy.

Today, three-year-old Lizzie has made remarkable progress. Miraculously, she’s been discharged from all therapies, and she is now a bundle of energy and joy, thriving each day. The Rogers are in the final stages of adoption—another testament to the Lord’s faithfulness in Lizzie’s journey.

The Lord has also used foster care to teach them to love unconditionally and navigate the complexities of trauma with compassion. “Being involved with ABCH has also brought our family closer and taught us how to love when it’s so challenging,” said Lindsey. “Our biological children have grown up with many different foster children in our home, and they have learned how to love on kids . . they have become better friends and siblings through their experiences.”

Lindsey and Tyler’s story is a powerful reminder of the impact that foster care can have, not just on the children who are placed in loving homes, but on the families who open their hearts to them. Lindsey and Tyler's dedication to fostering, supported by individuals and churches throughout Alabama, continues to transform lives.

There are countless ways to get involved. Not everyone is called to foster, but everyone can make a difference. To learn how you can get involved, visit here!