Posts in Foster Parenting
Rediscovered Hope

Two brothers faced an unimaginable loss: their mother had passed away, and their father, Mark*, was so overwhelmed by grief and financial hardship that he couldn’t provide the stability his sons needed. Though it broke Mark’s heart, Ethan* and Jacob* were placed in foster care with the Martin* family.

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Answering the Call

We finally got a call in April 2019 about a sweet 3-year-old who needed a home. The next evening, we met the most precious child named Quinton in our driveway. We opened his car door and were greeted with him giving us a Cheeto.

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God's Perfect Timing

“I never thought adoption would be written into our story when we began our journey with foster care. I knew my heart longed to foster, and I told the Lord that if we ever had a home with the extra room, I would fill the rooms…”

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Second Chances

The death of her father and having a child born with drugs in his system forced Madison to reevaluate her life. “I just lost everything in one fell swoop. It was one of the hardest months of my life,” said Madison. “I didn’t really have a whole lot of people I could depend on.”

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Everyone Can Do Something

“If God has given me this gift of compassion, why am I so emotionally weak? Why can’t I do this hard thing?” Julie asked herself this after a social worker leaned across her dining room table and told her and her husband that foster parenting might not be the best fit for them because of her tender heart. During each meeting with the social worker, she cried hearing the difficult situations these children came from.

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