Fostering Together: It Takes a Village


As a widow and an empty nester, Jane had abundant love to share.

Jane was living alone in her home and felt a deep longing to fill the empty rooms. That is when the Lord placed foster care on her heart. “I’ve just got all this love to give, and I really felt fostering was something I could do,” Jane said.

She took the next step and took foster parent training classes. During those classes, she told her adult children, Diana and Ida, and her grandkids about the direction God was leading her in. “They were extremely excited about the news,” said Jane. It was comforting for Jane to know that her family was supportive and eager to help her in this journey.

After finishing training, Jane finally filled her home and her heart with a child who entered foster care—Nora.* She was just three days old, and Jane felt honored to have the privilege of caring for tiny and vulnerable Nora.

“It was so fulfilling, and fostering brought so much joy,” said Jane. “I wasn’t alone in this big, old house anymore.”

She watched Nora grow and change. She saw her first steps and experienced her first laughs. “I loved just watching her grow, seeing her giggle, and telling her good job and having her clap her hands,” said Jane.

Jane will tell you, though, that she isn’t able to do this by herself. “I can honestly say it takes a village when you are a foster parent. Everyone pulls together whenever there is a need.” God provided her with a village through her church, family, and the generosity of donors like you.

“My [ABCH social worker] has been there every step of the way since I signed up for the classes,” shared Jane. “I know that if I need anything, all I have to do is contact my worker, and she will handle it for me.”

Nora was with Jane for 17 months when God finally led her to her forever home. She was adopted by another ABCH family.

It was difficult for Jane when Nora left. She missed her giggles and her smile. “It was hard, but I’m still involved in her life and will always be [grandmother] Mimi to her,” Jane said.

“There are so many babies and children out there that need a home and that security. You know God will take care of that child, and it gives you peace so that you can take care of the next child that comes into your home.”

Although it was painful when Nora left, she immediately said “yes” when asked if she would take in four-month-old Collin.* He spent most of his life in a car seat and was detached. Over time, Jane gave him the care and love he needed, and Collin started thriving.

“I watched him change from a sedentary phase to seeing him move and grow. I saw him roll, crawl, and smile,” shared Jane. “He is a bundle of energy now, and he keeps me on my toes. I love being his foster mom and will continue as long as I am able.”

Nora and Collin have experienced hope and healing in foster care, not just from Jane. These two kids felt the love of Chris by a whole village—including social workers, church members, babysitting volunteers, ABCH donors, and family members.


Not everyone is called to foster, but everyone can do something. It takes a village to care for foster kids—from foster parenting, babysitting, providing meals, financial support through donations, and more. To find where God is calling you to serve, visit here.