Fostering Hope in the Classroom


Did you know that one-third of children who cannot read well by 3rd grade end up dropping out of high school?

Before entering our care, Aaron* likely would have been one of those kids.

When Aaron came into Claire* and Mark’s* home, he was quiet, sick, and scared. He and his sister were found neglected in a hotel room while their mother was using drugs. He was not getting enough food and was in poor physical condition.

He was placed in a secure, Christ-centered home where he has food at every meal, a warm bed to sleep in, and safety with a loving family.

He had not been attending school or any educational program before coming into foster care. Once he was enrolled in school, he had a lot of behavioral issues and struggled academically.

“He fought for control from the time he got up until the time he went to bed,” shared Claire. Aaron had trust issues stemming from his background, causing him to act out. “At times we felt like giving up but kept remembering our purpose and calling . . .”

Aaron was provided with the resources he needed, like counseling and support from an ABCH social worker, to build trust with his foster parents. He also received academic help. He was paired with other students to help him catch up on his schoolwork.

Slowly but surely, Claire and Mark saw God healing Aaron from his past hurts. He began to focus and do well in the classroom. Aaron made the A/B honor roll this school year and loved being in school. “This year, we celebrated multiple perfect behavior months at school with him,” Claire shared. “We are so proud of his progress, knowing it has been much more difficult for him than it has been for us.”

“After a lot of dedication and love, we are happy to see how well he had adapted to being an excellent student in his class with no more behavioral issues,” his social worker, Jessica, shared.

With the help of counseling, school aid, and ABCH social workers, he has been succeeding in school before entering 3rd grade—giving him a chance at a better future.

“He has come such a long way,” shared Claire. “We have celebrated his 4th, 5th, and 6th birthdays, watched him graduate Pre-K and Kindergarten, watched him lose his first tooth, watched him play in multiple sporting events, watched him make his first ‘best friend,’ and watched him grow into a part of our family . . . we are so thankful God chose us to be his forever family.” Later this year, Claire and Mark will be adopting Aaron.

There are still thousands of Alabama foster kids in desperate need of loving, Christ-centered homes . . . thousands of foster kids that are already far behind academically and need help catching up.

You can help kids like Aaron. Whether opening your home to kids in foster care, volunteering, or praying, everyone can make a difference. Learn more here.

*Name and photo have been changed for privacy purposes.