Event SPONSORSHIPCamp for Foster Children

Camp is a 3-day, 2-night summer camp experience. It’s designed to serve our foster families and their children. While the parents receive excellent training, their kids get the opportunity to just be kids.

Event Sponsorship

Aim for Hope

A sporting clays event that benefits foster children in Alabama. This event sells out every year and there are many sponsorship levels available.

event sponsorshipTrees for Hope

A community event to browse and bid on beautifully decorated Christmas trees. In addition to attending, you can support Trees for Hope through a Corporate Sponsorship.

monthly givingBecome a Hero Partner

Every home needs a hero. Your company could be the hero in a foster child’s life by becoming a monthly Hero Partner. It costs $50 a day to care for a foster child. Your monthly gift directly impacts their healing.

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