A Snapshot of Success


One of our area directors recently sent me a text message. Attached to the message was a picture of Trevor’s* academic report card. The teacher hand wrote a note at the bottom of the report card that said, “You have made wonderful progress! Keep up the hard work!”

Our area director titled her text, “Sometimes success looks like this.” For this particular 5th grader, his reading grade has come up from an average of 22 to an average of 66. His English grade has been brought up from an average of 44 to an average of 81. His math grade has come up from an average of 30 to an average of 62. His science grade has come up from an average of 50 to an average of 78. His social studies grade has come up from an average of 50 to an average of 82. He scored 100’s in PE and music!

It is possible this young man may have to repeat the 5th grade, but thanks to hours of tutoring from his house parents and some very dedicated volunteers, this 5th grader is very proud of his progress and his grades!

As you read the prayer prompts in our Spring issue of Lifeprints, be reminded that we count progress as a huge victory! This 5th grader may have the opportunity to graduate from high school because he is learning how to learn. He is being given attention and structure and warmth and love. His life is being changed!

Every prayer you pray for our ministry and for the children we serve is an opportunity for a life to be changed, for hope to be introduced or restored, and many times for a family to be rescued, restored, and redeemed. In addition to seeing himself as a good student, this young man is also hearing the Good News of the steadfast love of God, which endures forever.

Every child in our care has the opportunity to make progress and to learn that God so loves them that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life!

Thank you for your support and your partnership in ministry to children and families in Alabama. You are making a difference!

Trevor's report card and a special note from his teacher.

TTrevor's report card and a special note from his teacher.

*Name and photo have been changed for privacy purposes.