An Invaluable Gift for the Journey: Faith in Jesus


At Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes (ABCH), our mission is to protect, nurture, and restore children and families through Christ-centered services. In our everyday work, no matter our position, God uses us to touch lives in awesome ways, but we don’t always see it. Every so often though, He is gracious to give us reminders of the importance of our work by drawing attention to the most important impact we can have—the impact on eternity.

Recently in Oxford, we had FIVE decisions made for Christ in our Shelter Care home! We had the opportunity to interview Debbie Thacker, recently retired house parent, who was serving these kids at the time. She shares in our excitement over their salvations!


She says, “Mount Zion Baptist Church was holding a revival, so we decided to go. One of our faithful volunteers, Marsha Ellis, is involved at the church, so she invited us.” At the end of the revival, an invitation was given, and four children walked forward to receive Christ! That following Sunday night, another child accepted Christ at another service. 

Before the event, Debbie says the kids definitely had been asking questions, such as why they couldn’t go back to their families, or why bad things happened to them. Debbie and Ricky, her husband, always responded by saying they believed God allowed them to pass through their home so that they could share the love of Christ with them, love on them, and take care of their needs above and beyond what they may have expected.


For one child in particular, her biological mother was not a person of faith, so she had never had the opportunity to ask questions about faith. After she accepted Christ, Debbie encouraged her that she could now be the person in her family to share Christ and her relationship with Him, with those in her family and her friends throughout her life. 

Debbie agrees that it is incredible what God is doing in the lives of children in need, and we are honored to be a part of it. Providing for a child’s basic needs is surely important, but we believe providing an introduction to the Savior of the world is invaluable!

Debbie and Ricky were house parents at our Shelter Care home in Oxford for nine years. Earlier this year, they retired to spend more time with their family. We are thrilled for them as they enter a new season and are so thankful for the time they served alongside us.

Learn more about our campus in Oxford here.