Beauty From the Broken: Doris's Story


Some of the most memorable and precious stories we hear from our alumni are those of legacy. We believe it is important work to not only care for physical needs, but to also plant seeds in the hearts of each child we care for, in hope that one day they may choose Jesus as their Savior, meeting their ultimate need.

We’re excited to share one of those stories with you today, straight from the heart of Doris Thompson, a former resident of our home in Oxford, also known as the Friendship House. We hope her story encourages you wherever you are today, that no matter what circumstances life has handed you, that God has his hand on your life.



My name is Doris Thompson, wife to Johnny Thompson, Jr. and a mother to three wonderful kids (Rose, Kari, and Tobias). I want to first give God the praise and glory for opening this door to share what he’s done in my life.

My life before coming to ABCH was a mess and unstable, and I never had a place to really call home. At ABCH, I experienced love and stability and learned what God was all about! They taught us the responsibility of caring for a home and what it meant to be respectful and obedient. Some of my fondest memories of living at the Friendship House were the outpouring of love, the outings to movies and concerts as a family, Bible time, my house parents trying to help me find my birth dad, knowing I was safe, playing in the backyard as a kid, and not having to worry about people hurting me.

My time at ABCH impacted me and now my family, because the structure I found while in care is now laid out in our home—the biblical foundation first and foremost, but also having parents that love you and care for you, helping others in need, and being the hands and feet of Jesus!


When I was young, I was abused in many ways. It started when I was six years old. Because of the brokenness and hardship I experienced, I tried, after leaving the Children’s Homes, to fill a hole that could not be filled with bad choices. I felt empty, alone, and embarrassed with no family to protect or help me.

But I found hope! After emotionally hitting bottom, God opened my eyes to see that He was always with me and He was the only one that could complete me! I made the decision to give my life to God. I can't say that everything after that was easy, but it has changed my life. The peace I have knowing that my Heavenly Father loves me and protects me makes everything I’ve gone through worth it.

I was told by many I would never be anything, but God chose me before I was even born. In Psalms 139:13, 14 (NIV) it says, For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. I am WONDERFULLY made!

I know that God loves me, and I know that he loves you too. He has a plan for you! Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." No matter what you have been through or done, it's not too late to make a decision like I did to follow Jesus. You don't have to go through life by yourself. Don't let what life hands you make you feel you can't make it through, because with God you can!

We hope Doris’s story encouraged you! If you would like to learn more about your next step in supporting children in our care, please visit our website.