Get to Know: Rachel, Family Care Manager

Rachel, receiving a local donation at our Mobile Family Care home

Rachel, receiving a local donation at our Mobile Family Care home

Rachel Burden is a mom, grandmother, and active church member. For almost 20 years, she has served in ministry at our Mobile location, blessing countless children and families who have been in our care. 

A few years ago, she began serving as one of our Family Care Managers, helping to provide stability for single moms and their dependent children who are in this program. Rachel’s heart both at church and in her ministry role is to simply serve where she is “needed the most,” and she does so faithfully, with a laidback, calm, and joyful spirit.

We got to talk with Rachel recently about her calling and experience in Family Care, and we hope you’ll be encouraged by the impact the Lord is allowing her to have on many families in the Mobile area. 

What are your responsibilities in your role as Family Care Manager?

I am a case manager. I participate in intake. I set up appointments and help determine if a mother is eligible for the Family Care program. I give the mother the basic life skills of helping her family, resources in finding a job and housing (after the program), and help her set up a budget.


What drew you to serve in this way?

I believe my calling is helping others. ABCH gives me the perfect opportunity to help the mothers that need spiritual help and basic parental skills.


What is the most challenging part of your job? What is the most rewarding/joyful part of your job?

Helping the mothers to understand if they follow the goals that are established at the beginning of the program, they will be on the road to self-sufficiency.


About the women and children you’ve been able to care for as a part of ABCH—what sticks out to you in regard to ways a mom or child grew while in care?

In general, when a mother realizes she has the skills to take care of her child and can then have the independence she needs to be successful, that is wonderful to see.

How have you seen God work in your life through your role at ABCH?

God gave me the gift of compassion. I have learned to show kindness and I’ve been able to motivate moms to move forward in life. When I first coach a life skill to a new mom, I quote Mathew 6:34, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.”

What makes you look forward to going to work every day?

Seeing how the moms and children are interacting with each other. Seeing them sit down for dinner together and converse with each other.


What impact do you hope to have through your service to others in this role?

I hope that the moms believe if they put God first and give Him all their worry, whatever the world throws at them, they will be able to handle it.


So far in 2021, we have been able to provide care to 24 moms and 49 children across our three Family Care homes. Your support and God’s blessing makes this possible. Thank you!

Our Family Care program exists in Mobile, Gardendale, and Alabaster. Through this ministry, we provide safe, stable homes to help struggling mothers and their dependent children to get back on their feet while mom gains or maintains employment, saves money, receives counseling, and learns life skills such as budgeting and healthy parenting techniques. Depending on their commitment to the program, mothers may stay for up to one year.

If you would like to learn more about our Family Care program and how you can help support the moms and staff at a location near you, please visit us here for more information.