Miracles Still Happen


On our campuses, we are blessed to see God working and transforming the tender hearts of so many of our children and teenagers. In small and big ways, He is at work. Following are just a few, sweet glimpses into how some of our children from hard places are being impacted and are growing:

When teenager, Laura*, first came to live on campus, she thought everything was “boring,” as time spent on handheld games/devices is limited, and we also encourage time for our kids to be outside and enjoy the outdoors. Being sensitive to her needs in helping her adjust, some of our office staff took time with her early on by inviting her to play a simple card game with them. Later at another outing, she saw one of the staff members and told the group of girls around her that she was really having a good time and couldn’t wait for a rematch on the next game!

Brothers, Nick* & Andrew*, managed to adjust well in school, performing above average in academics and both stayed committed to the football team, despite a tumultuous family life.

We saw Deon*, who had been with us for over three years, able to be reunited with his father. This is a miracle and praise, and also a prayer request. Pray for this family as they transition to life together again and that his dad will maintain all he needs to do to keep his family healthy and intact.  

Wes* followed the Lord recently in Believer’s Baptism. He was saved several years ago but had never had the courage to be baptized because one of his closest family members is very hostile to Christian faith. Our house parent shared this wonderful news, saying, “Only God could’ve given him the courage to overcome those fears.” 

When Maggie* first came to us, she barely held her head up when she would speak to you. She had very few life skills. She did not know how to take care of herself in regard to simple hygiene habits that most of us learn as children, and she was failing in school. But after being in our care—being consistently loved, protected, and nurtured—things began to change in Maggie’s life in the best ways. 

First and most importantly, she accepted Christ as her Savior! Over time, we’ve seen her grow to be very health conscious and very well kept. She began to make A’s, B’s and C’s in school and is well respected by her teachers and peers. Finally, this shy little girl who barely uttered a word, tried out and made Color Guard at her high school. 

She continues to grow in her faith and tells her friends at school about Jesus. We know miracles still happen because we see it in Maggie’s life and in the lives of many of our children and teens in care. Thank you, Lord! 

*Photo and names have been changed for privacy purposes