Hero Partners Spotlight: Leon Zalenski

Leon and Jewell Zalenski

Leon and Jewell Zalenski

The impact of “Brother” Leon Zalenski’s 40 years of involvement with and advocacy for our ministry is immeasurable, and his Kingdom impact has already touched generations. At age 87, Leon has been a monthly donor, a “Hero Partner”, since before we used that term to describe our regular monthly donors. He has also been very involved as a volunteer at our Gardendale home for years.

Now a widower, he says he owes his love for children and his loyalty to Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes (ABCH) to his wife, Jewell, noting how involved she was in our ministry and how supportive she would continue to be today for all he does to help our ministry.


Originally from Connecticut, Brother Leon shares that he grew up in a Polish, Catholic family and after graduating high school, enlisted in the United States Air Force. He met Jewell during his first assignment, and they traveled statewide and overseas, serving in Southern Baptist churches throughout this time. Upon Leon’s military retirement in 1972, they moved to Florida. There, they began working on degrees to prepare them for ministry and earned diplomas from the Baptist Bible Institute in Graceville (now The Baptist College of Florida). While in school, Leon pastored a church in Bellwood, then in Warrior.

In 1980, Leon and Jewell moved to Alabama and joined the First Baptist Church of Gardendale, where he still serves as an associate pastor. It was there that they met Elton Griffin and his wife, Gail. Elton was on staff at the church, but the Griffins also worked for ABCH at our Gardendale home. Their connection with the Griffins led the way for Leon and Jewell to become directly involved with giving and volunteering with the Children’s Homes.

Today, Leon is still involved, helping at special events there in Gardendale. He has a caring heart and is a blessing to the families in our care and to our staff as well, as he helps our house manager, Valencia Pritchett, whenever she calls.


Leon shared how over the years, his compassion for people and children’s ministry has grown through his involvement with ABCH. He continues to support the children’s ministry at his church by organizing “The Cut-Ups,” a program for senior adults at his church to get together and provide the children’s Vacation Bible School materials.

For those who are just learning about the Children’s Homes, Leon says he would want them to know how loved the children are in our homes and by God as well. He says, “I know without a shadow of a doubt that a child involved with the Baptist Children’s Homes will get the most compassion, care, and strong introduction to the love of God that will help them to recognize that they are a child of God, as well.”

He goes on to say, “It (giving) just represents a demonstration of my willingness to use the funds that the Lord has entrusted with me. It’s His money, and I just seek His direction as to how that money should be dispensed. And it comes with a blessing because you can know that as you invest into the lives of the children, you’re helping them to have a hope that somebody loves them, and the Lord has provided for their needs through His riches and glory in Christ Jesus.”

Leon shares a word of encouragement to all for supporting our children and families, but in particular to senior adults, “Senior adults need to remember that staying active and involved is a way to thank God for His multitude of blessings. You NEVER get too old to share God’s love.”

If you feel the Lord may be calling you to start your own journey with us to help rescue kids from hard places, visit our Hero Partner page to learn more and get started.