Hero Society Spotlight: The Carrolls


With each gift made to ABCH, you are not just changing the lives of the children in care right now. You are making an impact on generations for years to come.

“Because of the life my daddy lived in front of me, my children are blessed to grow up in a Christian home.” This is what former ABCH resident, Ron Carroll’s, daughter wrote recently in thank you cards. These cards were attached to baked goods her daughter sold for a Vacation Bible School project, with proceeds supporting ABCH.

Our Hero Society donors provide monthly support for those in our care, and in this Spotlight, Ron and Cindy Carroll share how the ministry of ABCH has shaped their lives and those of their children and grandchildren.


As a young child in 1951, Ron Carroll went to live at the Children’s Home in Troy, Alabama. He was with us for twelve years, until he graduated high school.

Before coming to the Children’s Home, Ron shares that he rarely attended church. Afterwards, however, that all changed. He says, “We always had an old saying that if the church doors are open, being from the Children’s Home, we were in church.” While in our care, at nine years old, he came to know Christ. As he grew up, he continued to see Christian values modeled regularly in the home, which greatly influenced him when it came time to start and raise a family of his own.

When thinking back on his time in our care, Ron quotes Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” He shares, “The Children’s Home was there for that training, and they made a difference in how I raised my children.”

Ron and Cindy met at church and married in 1970 and have been together now for 50 years. Their two children both know the Lord as their Savior, and they seek to serve Him alongside their own families. Their son is married and serves as a youth minister in Texas and has two children, and their daughter is also married with two daughters and works at First Baptist Trussville for WEE (Weekday Early Education) Center.


Because of the way Ron has lived his life, people who know his story have been influenced to give to ABCH. Cindy says, “Several families we know give because of the person he’s become. And our children love to go to the Homes, and they’re big supporters of the Home.”

In many ways, Ron and Cindy have been long-time supporters of ABCH. Early in their marriage, they served as relief house parents at the former Birmingham area home for children, located in Gardendale (now a Family Care home). Soon after, they began giving financially and eventually committed to give monthly. “We also give (financially to the ministry) rather than flowers when there’s been a passing of somebody or for birthdays. We’ve made a point that’s where it goes because we want to invest in the lives of other children,” says Ron. “. . . We figure in two days flowers are gone, but money (invested) for a child will last a lifetime.”

In the Carroll family, we see a sweet testament to God’s sovereignty and that He has a plan for all of our lives. Ron and Cindy’s impact for the kingdom is immeasurable—and so is yours, as you give and serve—whether it is your time and prayers, a monetary gift, or just sharing with people you know about the great things God is doing through ABCH!

If you would like to discover your next step in serving children and families from hard places, please visit our website

This story is one of four quarterly features shared through our Hero Partners e-news. To learn more about supporting our children and families through a recurring monthly gift and receive these stories directly to your inbox, visit our Hero Partners page today!