No matter your age, everyone can make an impact.

This summer, kids across the state have found creative ways to help kids in foster care.


When MeiLeigh was a baby, she was an orphan in China. At 11 months old, she was adopted by the Mintz family. As she grew older, she wanted to help kids like her.

“Three years ago, I talked with my mom about raising money to help orphans as I understood that I had been orphaned in China,” MeiLeigh shared. “I talked with my Pastor for permission to design and sell t-shirts for our church to wear on Orphan Sunday. The shirts were a big hit, and our members bought all of them we had!”

This year, she designed and sold t-shirts at VBS and raised $3,700 for Alabama foster kids!

"I appreciate my church family so much for their willingness to donate to this mission,” MeiLeigh shared. “I know that the money raised is going to a great cause and will help children in my state.”

What started as an idea with a big heart has grown every year and is now called “MeiLeigh’s Mission” at her church.


New Salem Baptist Church held a “penny war” during their VBS. The kids split into two groups to see who could raise more money to help hurting kids. Whichever group raised the most money got to throw a pie in the face of their leader!

“It was so much fun watching the little kids drag bags and jars of change their parents gave them,” shared Carmen Adams, one of the church members. They ended up raising over $300!

Carmen knows firsthand the impact ABCH is making. “About 12 years ago, my brother and I did counseling through ABCH due to my parents' divorce,” she shared. “It was really great to have so many people care for us during that hard time. There are so many kids, and even adults, that benefit from ABCH, and I am one of them!”


During VBS at Central Park Baptist Church in Decatur, boys and girls competed to see who could raise the most money. “With our theme focusing on games this year, we thought it would be a neat idea to bless the families at our local ABCH with games and activities for the kids to do this summer,” shared Whitley Flaming, a staff member and team leader for their student ministry.

Collectively, they raised $700 to go toward games and activities!

“It was a great reminder that even kids can serve the Lord through giving and bless others at the same time,” said Whitley. “Partnering with ABCH this summer has helped our kids understand that we don't have to go to another country to share Jesus' love with others. We can do it in our own community.”

We appreciate all these kids have done and their big hearts for giving back! Will you join these kids and help kids in foster care across Alabama? Visit here to learn how you can make a difference.

Volunteers, DecaturNicole Walker