Volunteers at ABCH!



Volunteers are one of the biggest blessings to the children and families we serve. We would not be able to do what we do without the help of volunteers providing their time, talents, and resources to help those in our care.

Chicktime Birmingham and United Rentals are just two of many volunteer groups that are making a difference for the mothers and children in our Family Care homes in Gardendale and Mobile.


“It is always our goal to be a blessing, but somehow we end up being the ones who feel blessed being a part of what God is doing through ABCH!”

Kirstin Hall, leader of Chicktime Birmingham, said this about her experience volunteering at our Family Care home in Gardendale. Chicktime Birmingham is a nonprofit organization that seeks to partner with families in need–to be a consistent light in their lives.

Every month they provide lunch as well as an activity or workshop for the families in our care.  Most importantly, they are building relationships and pouring into struggling moms and kids.

“Having the opportunity to love, support and encourage them in this journey is a true blessing!” shared Kirstin. “[One of] the biggest highlights of our time with the families is seeing them happy . . . I would say that building these relationships and seeing them begin to get excited about our visits is a true blessing for us!

Thank you, Chicktime Birmingham, for being the hands and feet of Christ.

You can also make a difference by volunteering at one of our Family Care homes! To learn more, visit here!



Over the past year, volunteer groups from United Rentals have made a big difference at our Family Care home in Mobile.

Last fall, they came to trim tree branches, clean up an area with overgrown grass and bushes, and install shelves in our storage shed.

“This is the most amazing facility we have had the pleasure to partner with,” said Pam Sullivan from United Rentals. “We were overwhelmed on our first visit and knew we wanted to be part of this organization and help any way we could.”

They were so inspired by the time they spent volunteering in the fall that they decided to provide gifts for the families in our care at Christmas.

This spring, they helped us put down 30 pallets of mulch at our Family Care playground in Mobile. They completed the job in only two hours! Without their help, it would have taken us days to complete a task like this on our own.

“It gives us pure joy to help in any way we can,” Pam shared. “It has helped us with team building within our company as well as understanding the needs of others.”

We are thankful for volunteer groups like Chicktime Birmingham and business partners like United Rentals using their resources to help Alabama foster kids. To learn how you can make a difference, visit here!

Birmingham, VolunteersNicole Walker