Pushing Back on Pride


STAFF DEVOTIONAL BY Stephanie Gooch | Administrative Assistant for Pathways Professional Counseling in Birmingham

When I was chosen to share this month’s devotional, my first thought was, Okay—how can I get myself out of this?

This is my first response when any kind of public speaking opportunity is presented or if I am asked to write about personal thoughts. This is something that is way out of my comfort zone, and I did not know where to even begin. I thought about this again for a long time and realized that this is something that was asked of me, and whether I am comfortable or not, I will do my best to get it done.

One of my biggest fears is public embarrassment and shame. This is not something I am alone in fearing; it is a very common fear.  

The following Bible verse came to mind when I thought about writing this devotional and how it made me feel:

“Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.” But Moses said, “Pardon your servant, Lord. Please send someone else.” Exodus 4:12–13 NIV

Embarrassment is an obnoxious suffering. It is not something of which we can repent and ask forgiveness from. Embarrassment is an experience of losing control of one’s self and circumstances. Embarrassment is an emotional and spiritual reality in which it seems like God is either absent, laughing along with the crowd, or expecting us to just move on and get over it already.

What is the worst thing that can happen if I write this devotion? Others may think I am stupid and don’t have a clue as to what I am talking about and how I don’t know God’s word as much as I should or as they do. Does that even matter?

In reality, what others think of me means nothing and more likely, they won’t have a second thought about me after this has been read. We think so much more of ourselves than others ever do. What matters is what I know to be true about myself and what God knows is in my heart, which leads to the reality of the issue—pride.

Pride is something that we can repent for and ask forgiveness from. Pride is the actual emotion that I will be hurt if I stumble or sound stupid.   

In a moment, I knew what I had to do. I had to just write something regardless of how I thought it made me look or how embarrassed I felt. Most of us are happy to step up to the plate and help when the task is easy for us. But when the Lord draws us out of our comfort zones and into the unknown, that is when we wrestle or fight back.

We may not feel worthy of God’s call, but nevertheless, He equips us with what is needed to carry out His purpose. Remember that God is on our side (always) and wants to help us sort through all that we are feeling and all that we fear.

If you are also in a vulnerable spot today, don't be afraid to reach out for support and kindness from those around you, even if your reasons for needing to do so make you feel weak or humble you. You will grow in intimacy and true friendship with those who know the real you, flaws and all.