Kids across the state have found creative ways to help kids in foster care.
Read MoreIt was stressful not knowing how long they would be there, wondering when the day would come that they would have to pack up and move again. Eventually, they were kicked out, leaving them homeless. It was difficult enough moving from place to place, but now, they didn’t even have a roof over their heads…
Read MoreFive years ago, Blake Vardaman was deep into drug addiction. But addiction wasn’t new to her—she grew up surrounded by it. Her dad, sisters, and grandmother were all addicts. “It’s been generations of trauma upon trauma upon trauma,” Blake said.
Read More“I never thought adoption would be written into our story when we began our journey with foster care. I knew my heart longed to foster, and I told the Lord that if we ever had a home with the extra room, I would fill the rooms…”
Read MoreWhen Aaron came into Claire* and Mark’s* home, he was quiet, sick, and scared. He and his sister were found neglected in a hotel room while their mother was using drugs. He was not getting enough food and was in poor physical condition.
Read MoreThe death of her father and having a child born with drugs in his system forced Madison to reevaluate her life. “I just lost everything in one fell swoop. It was one of the hardest months of my life,” said Madison. “I didn’t really have a whole lot of people I could depend on.”
Read MoreGod is making generational changes that last decades—from 45 years ago to today and even 45 years from now.
Read More“When I walked in her room, I saw this tiny little bundle all alone in a dark, quiet hospital room, and my heart melted. She was miniature-sized perfection.”
Read MoreAfter being in foster care for roughly 2,000 days, he wasn't interested in adoption. He felt disappointed and defeated. He just wanted to move on.
Read More“[My experience] has given me a platform . . . to articulate the need for Christian foster families,” shared Chris. “I feel like I can speak from it scripturally, personally, and professionally.
Read More“If God has given me this gift of compassion, why am I so emotionally weak? Why can’t I do this hard thing?” Julie asked herself this after a social worker leaned across her dining room table and told her and her husband that foster parenting might not be the best fit for them because of her tender heart. During each meeting with the social worker, she cried hearing the difficult situations these children came from.
Read MoreQuanicia went from surviving day-to-day to having stability for her family. During her time in the year-long program, you equipped her with life-changing tools for success. Your gifts provided her with steady housing, healing through counseling, financial planning, and more.
Read MoreTyler* came into foster care at 3 years old not knowing how to speak—he didn’t know how to say his own name. He was angry, confused, and often became physically violent…
Read More“I just wanted to do something exciting that would help other people,” Max Said.
Read MoreWhen Patrick and Heather first opened their home to sweet two-year-old Jonah,* they wanted to provide a safe, secure home for him. Although hesitant to communicate with his biological parents, Heather decided to start sending letters to Jonah’s mom in his backpack when he went on supervised visits. Heather wasn’t sure if his mom got them or even if she wanted to read them, but she had faith that God would use them somehow.
Read MoreWhen Evan first entered our care, he was placed in a separate home from his sister because that was the only space available at the time. Even though they were taken from a dangerous environment and placed in safe homes, it was still difficult for Evan to be apart from Emma.
Read More“When it comes to serving at Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes, we see it as a local mission opportunity to be able to help serve a group of kids, and now foster parents, in our backyard. We can love and encourage children in the gospel.”
Read MoreYou can imagine how exhausting it would be to do everything you can to care for your kids, and it still not seem like enough.
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